Tauranga Retirement Housing for Seniors (50+)
Staying at Home
Research suggests that 65% of older people wish to stay living in their own homes for as long as possible. Careful choice of a house can make it easier to achieve retirement in your own home. The choice of the suburb can also make ageing in place possible.
Learn about ageing in place, whether your home is right for you, and what to look for when buying Tauranga retirement housing for the future.
Villages with Capital Gain
There are some excellent villages and apartments for older people where common areas are maintained by a body corporate or similar association. These are often low-maintenance properties and many are designed with older people and Tauranga retirement housing in mind.
License to Occupy Villages
Entry to most of the lifestyle retirement villages is by the purchase of a license to occupy for a chosen villa or apartment. There are varying age restrictions to entry.
Lifestyle villages are a good choice if you desire security and companionship and aren't too worried about the loss of capital gain and leasing rather than owning your home.
There are more than 30 villages providing Tauranga retirement housing, ranging from large corporate village to boutique privately owned villages. Some we have found very friendly. Others not so.